Nine companies in the Toronto GTA area have been linked to illegal telemarketing calls about duct cleaning services have been named and shamed by the CRTC.

Ontario Duct Cleaning was also a victim of these companies using unethical marketing tactics.
Mr. Bolle from Ontario Duct Cleaning in the London area said, “Legitimate duct cleaning firms paid a heavy price too. Some of these so called duct cleaning companies pretended to be Ontario Duct Cleaning. Our offices throughout the GTA received thousands of angry calls from people demanding we stop calling them. We have never used phone soliciting as a marketing tool and we never will.”

“The constant phone calls were not only a terrible annoyance to literally millions of GTA residents, but they were also a costly scam. Thousands of people hired these companies believing they would provide honest services and most of them did not. Our own investigations found many of these companies used equipment that was sub-standard and technicians with little or no knowledge of duct cleaning techniques. Their only aim was to fleece hundreds of dollars from their customers and move on to the next victim as quickly as possible.”

He noted that Ontario Duct Cleaning met with CRTC enforcement officials more than three years ago in a bid to get the CRTC to take action.

Mr. Bolle went on to say “While we applaud their decision to fine these companies, we can’t help but wonder why it took so long. It made a joke of the no-call list.”

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